One month in Japan
Wow, has it really been one month in Japan? Really?!? We left Stockholm just before the end of the year 2017 and flew out of Tokyo on the 26th of January. Time went so fast, but this really is quite a long time in this weird and wonderful country. For any other reason to visit Japan, I would say one month is a REALLY long time! So how was it? Skiing in Japan? First things first Well, taking a step back in time, we actually started with a couple of days in Tokyo. I don’t really like long travels (I can’t stand the sitting and the waiting at airports…
Hokkaido – hur vet man var ska man åka skidor?
Hur planerar man en skidresa till ett land man aldrig riktigt har haft en föreställning om? Jag har ju hört talas om JAPOW, japanskt puder, men jag kunde inte förstå vad det innebar. Nu förstår jag!
The Vagabond Skiers guide to Hokkaido
I figured I should start writing about our experiences. Not only to let my friends and family know what I am experiencing, but also for everyone else out there who might be wondering how it is to be a cautious vagabond, travelling to ski while being… well, not too extreme.